Academic Year 2025

Peer reviewed publications


Academic Year 2024

Peer reviewed publications

  • Kaoru Kamo and Tetsuharu Oba (2025). Expectations and Concerns of Increased Interpersonal Work of Pharmacists after removal of a Ban on Outsourcing of Dispensing of Drugs: A Web Survey of Residents in Osaka Prefecture, a Proposed Designated National Strategic Special Zone, The Journal of Japan Society for Health Care Management, 25(4), pp.268-275. (in Japanese)
  • Ryunosuke Ishiguro, Junichi Susaki, Tetsuharu Oba, Yoshie Ishii, Marek Ososinski, Shohei Nakaoka, Yota Matsuoka.(2025), Comparison of Object Detection Methods In Video Image Frames Captured from Bootop of an Operating Mobile Crane, Japanese Journal of JSCE, 81(1), Article ID: 24-00084. (in Japanese)
  • Daisuke Kamiya, Atsushi Uechi, and Tetsuharu Oba (2024). Study on the undergrounding and utility pole removal projects in coastal sightseeing region using tsunami evacuation simulation, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, 5(3), pp.480-486. (in Japanese)
  • Yoshie Ishii, Junichi Susaki, Akane Kurihara, Tetsuharu Oba, Kosei Yamaguchi, Yuusuke Miyazaki, and Kiyoshi Kishida (2024). Landslide Risk Assessment along Roads by Using Radar-driven Land Deformation and Rainfall Data, The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLVIII-3-2024, 231–237.
  • Takahiro Hara, Tetsuharu Oba, Junichi Susaki, and Yoshie Ishii (2024). Spatial Transition of Innovation Focused on Railway Stations: A Case Study of Patent Applications in Japan from 1980 to 2019, Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, 24, AJG-2312017.
  • Tomoka Togiya, Yusuke Kimura, Tetsuharu Oba, and Junichi Susaki (2024). Analysis of Tourist Behavior and Interest Based on Country of Residence Using Photos and Metadata: With a Focus on Kyoto City Area, Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, 24, AJG-2312018.
  • Yutaro Kamada, Ryoji Matsunaka, and Tetsuharu Oba (2024). Effects of Neighborhood Environment and Change of Travel Behavior on Medical Cost Focusing on Step Counts, Japanese Journal of JSCE, 80(2), Article ID: 22-00313. (in Japanese)
  • Kaoru Kamo and Tetsuharu Oba (2024). Impact of Outsourced Dispensing on Pharmacists’ Interpersonal Work and Participation in Community Activities, Policy and Practice Studies, 9(2), pp.163-176. (in Japanese)


  • Tetsuharu Oba (2024). The Concept of Regional Redistribution of Parking Revenue, PARKING (JAPAN PARKING ASSOCIATION), 248, pp.16-17. (in Japanese)
    No DOI:
  • Tetsuharu Oba, Naoko Kuriyama, Ryoga Ishihara, Youichi Ohshima, Eriko Oka, Hitomi Tsujikawa, Yui Matsumoto, Hiroyuki Miyabe, and Kyohei Morita (2024). Gap Filler’s Challenges and Trajectory by Creative Placemaking in the Wake of the Earthquake Disaster, Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 22(4), pp.787-792. (in Japanese)
  • Ryoga Ishihara, Tetsuharu Oba, Naoko Kuriyama, Youichi Ohshima, Eriko Oka, Hitomi Tsujikawa, Yui Matsumoto, Hiroyuki Miyabe, and Kyohei Morita (2024). Regeneration Strategies of the Residential Red Zone in the Canterbury Earthquake, New Zealand: A Case Study of Ōtākaro/Avon River Corridor Regeneration Plan, Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan, 22(4), pp.665-669. (in Japanese)

International academic conference

  • Naoya Iwaki, Junichi Susaki, Yoshie Ishii, and Tetsuharu Oba (2024). Evaluation of deformation detection performance of highway slope using SAR image simulator, Proceedings of the 45th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Monarch Imperial Hotel, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Sri Lanka, Nov. 17-21.
  • Yasumin Siriprathan, Junichi Susaki, Yoshie Ishii, and Tetsuharu Oba (2024). Urban extraction based on scattering decomposition using PolSAR data, Proceedings of the 45th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS), Monarch Imperial Hotel, Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte, Sri Lanka, Nov. 17-21.
  • Kuniaki Hamada, Tetsuharu Oba, Junichi Susaki, and Yoshie Ishii (2024). Nationwide analysis of innovation creation sites and flood inundation risk using Japan’s patent application information from 1980 to 2018, 2024 International Conference of Asian-Pacific Planning Societies, YONSEI University, Seoul, Korea, Aug.22-24.
    【YUPN Best Paper Presentation Award】

Domestic academic conference (in Japanese)

  • 岸本 樹, 大庭哲治 (2024). ふるさと納税制度を利用したクラウドファンディングの成功要因, 日本経営システム学会 第73回(2024年秋季) 全国研究発表大会(広島工業大学五日市キャンパス), 2024年12月07日-08日.
  • 五十嵐凜, 大庭哲治, 須﨑純一, 石井順恵 (2024). 三次元点群データを用いた都市空間における電柱検出手法の開発, 第70回土木計画学研究発表会・講演集. (第70回土木計画学研究発表会・秋大会 (企画提案型), 岡山大学津島キャンパス, 2024年11月15日-17日)
  • 臼井夏尚, 大庭哲治, 須﨑純一, 石井順恵 (2024). 洪水浸水想定区域における年収階級別曝露世帯数の時空間分布とその社会的公正, 第70回土木計画学研究発表会・講演集. (第70回土木計画学研究発表会・秋大会 (企画提案型), 岡山大学津島キャンパス, 2024年11月15日-17日)
  • 石黒龍之介, 須﨑純一, 大庭哲治, 石井順恵 (2024). ORB SLAMとステレオカメラによる建設現場のリアルタイム三次元地図作成, 第49回土木情報学シンポジウム, 土木会館 (東京・四谷), 2024年09月26日-27日.
  • 風間小次郎, 須﨑純一, 小林知生, 大庭哲治, 石井順恵, Marek Ososinski (2024). 動画像を用いたクレーン周辺の視差画像の統合手法の開発, 第49回土木情報学シンポジウム, 土木会館 (東京・四谷), 2024年09月26日-27日.
  • 岸本 樹, 大庭哲治 (2024). 勾配ブースティング決定木を用いた地方自治体のふるさと納税事業における寄付促進要因の検討, 日本計画行政学会第47回全国大会(愛知大学名古屋キャンパス), 2024年09月06日-07日.
  • 加茂 薫, 大庭哲治 (2024). 調剤の外部委託化に関する大阪府民へのアンケート調査結果報告, 第17回日本在宅薬学会学術大会, 出島メッセ長崎, 2024年07月14日-15日.


  • Tetsuharu Oba and Tatsuki Kishimoto (2024). Hometown Tax Donation System and Local Governance. In: Noda, Y. (eds) Local Governance in Japan. Local and Urban Governance. Springer, Cham.